Sistem Informasi Pos Cabang Tondano Menggunakan Metode Aglie
sistem informasi pos, fleksibel, responsif, kerjasamaAbstract
background and objectives of the internship, as well as the benefits of the internship in the context of developing the Tondano Branch Postal Information System using the Aglie Method. Internship at KC Pos Tondano for four months. In this digital era, technological transformation has forced traditional institutions to adapt. This article discusses the Agile implementation methodology in developing the Tondano Branch Postal Information System website. With a flexible and responsive approach, this development process produces innovative solutions to increase community engagement and service efficiency. In response to these problems, the author designed the Tondano Branch Postal Information System using the Agile Method for the Tondano Branch Post Office. The aim of the internship includes training students in applying college knowledge to the world of work, increasing students' experience and skills (hard skills and soft skills). The benefits of internships include increased cooperation between UNIMA and agencies, feedback to improve the quality of UNIMA graduates, as well as improving the image of partner companies and getting new ideas from student interns. Writing the internship topic aims to introduce and provide a comprehensive understanding of the importance of the Tondano Branch Postal Information System Using the Aglie Method in a job. With the Tondano Branch Information System Using the Aglie Method, it is hoped that the Aglie Method work can run more quickly and efficiently.